
I'm Ananta Chowdhury!

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer ​Science at the University of Manitoba. My research interest is ​Human-computer Interaction, more specifically, child-​computer interaction. My research concentrates on ​designing innovative interactive technology for children, ​with children. I also have an interest in the social aspects of ​human-robot interaction.



Ph.D. in Computer Science

University of Manitoba, Canada (Sept 2020- Present)

Co​ncentration: Human-Computer ​Interaction

Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Bunt

Research ​Experience

2021-​ Present​

Exploring A Child-Centric Design Space of Digital Interventions for​ Early Adolescents’ Disengagement from​ ​Technology Overuse

Utilizing co-design and research-through-design methods, this research aims to ​define and explore a child-centric design space for developing digital ​interventions aimed at addressing early adolescents’ tech overuse



Designing an Online Tutorial Authoring Tool for Children for Sharing ​Digital Art Workflows

Conducted two user studies to design a tutorial authoring tool where children ​can create and share their digital art along with their workflows.


How Robot Informational Error Affects Children’s Trust Towards Robots

An HRI study, where an experiment was designed to understand how robots' ​errors are perceived by children and how it impacts their trust.​


An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Robot’s Motivation on People’s ​Productivity

An HRI Project, that investigated how a robot’s motivation can modify people’s ​behavior and help them to concentrate on their tasks while ignoring ​distractions.


Online Platform Addressing the International Students’ Difficulties of ​Integration into A Social Network

An HCI Project, where design implications for an interactive online platform ​were proposed based on user studies, in order to make international students’ ​social integration easier.


Educational Intervention for Special Children of Bangladesh

An HCI project, where interactive and educative games in Bengali were ​developed to make learning easy and entertaining for children with autism ​using Kinect sensor.​

Work Experience


Te​aching Assistant & Grader

De​partment of Computer Science, University of Manitoba

Courses: Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Computer Interaction 2, ​Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Programming for Scientists & ​Engineers


Se​ssional Instructor

De​partment of Computer Science, University of Manitoba

Course: Human-Computer Interaction




Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Daffodil International University

Courses: Programming & Problem Solving, Data Structures, Discrete ​Mathematics, Object-oriented Programming, Computer Graphics


  • Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2024. Exploring A Design Space for Digital ​Interventions Facilitating Early Adolescents’ Tech Disengagement: A Parent-Child ​Perspective. In Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer ​Interaction (NordiCHI’24). (Accepted for publication)

  • Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2023. Co-Designing with Early Adolescents: ​Understanding Perceptions of and Design Considerations for Tech-Based ​Mediation Strategies that Promote Technology Disengagement. In Proceedings of ​the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23), April ​23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.

  • Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2023. Reflections on Online Child-Centric ​Participatory Design Approaches: Two Case Studies with Children and Early ​Adolescents. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2023 Workshop on Bridging Distances ​for Global Participation: Conducting and Theorizing Participatory Design and ​Research in Hybrid Contexts, April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany

  • Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2022. Tutorials for Children by Children: ​Design and Evaluation of a Children’s Tutorial Authoring Tool for Digital Art. In ​Proceedings of the 48th Graphics Interface Conference (GI ’22). Canadian Human-​Computer Communications Society. (Best Paper Award)

  • Ananta Chowdhury. Tutorials for Children by Children: Design and Evaluation of a ​Child-Centric Tutorial Authoring Tool. MSc Thesis (2020). University of Manitoba, ​Canada.

  • A. Chowdhury, J.S. Rahman, and M.S. Hawlader (2016). Well-connectedness - a ​novel measure for improving protein complex detection from PPI network. 2016 ​IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and ​Computational Biology (CIBCB’16), 1-6.


  • Michael A. J. Sweeney Award, Best Student Papers at Graphics Interface (2022)

  • Computer Science Progression Award, University of Manitoba (2022)

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship, University of

Manitoba (2021)

  • University of Manitoba Graduate Student Fellowship (UMGF), University of ​Manitoba (2020 – 2024)

  • University of Manitoba Graduate Student Fellowship (UMGF), University of ​Manitoba (2019 – 2020)

  • Graduate Enhancement of Tri-Agency Stipends (GETS), University of Manitoba ​(2018 – 2020)

  • International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship, University of Manitoba ​(2018)

Other Activities

  • Subcommittee Chair Assistant, Specific Application Area Subcommittee, CHI ​2024

  • Volunteer, Guild Support, Victoria Hospital, Winnipeg (2023 - present)

  • Student Volunteer, CHI 2023

  • Reviewer, ACM Conferences (CHI, DIS) and Universal Access in the Information ​Society Journal (UAIS)

  • Website Admin, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Department of Computer ​Science, University of Manitoba (http://hci.cs.umanitoba.ca/), (2023 - Present)

  • Assistant Cultural Secretary, Canadian Bangladeshi Association (2021 - Present)

  • Women’s Representative, University of Manitoba Bangladeshi Student (UMBSA) ​Association (2020 - 2021)

  • Mentor and Problem-setter, HCI Smart City Hackathon Bangladesh (2017)

  • Founding Member of HCI DIU, Daffodil International University (2017)


Exploring A Design Space for Digital Interventions Facilitating Early Adolescents’ Tech Disengagement

Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2024. Exploring A Design Space for Digital Interventions Facilitating ​Early Adolescents’ Tech Disengagement: A Parent-Child Perspective. In Proceedings of the Nordic ​Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’24). (Accepted for publication)

Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2023. Co-Designing with Early Adolescents: Understanding ​Perceptions of and Design Considerations for Tech-Based Mediation Strategies that Promote Technology ​Disengagement. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ​’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.

Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2023. Reflections on Online Child-Centric Participatory Design ​Approaches: Two Case Studies with Children and Early Adolescents. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2023 ​Workshop on Bridging Distances for Global Participation: Conducting and Theorizing Participatory Design ​and Research in Hybrid Contexts, April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany

Ananta Chowdhury and Andrea Bunt. 2022. Tutorials for Children by Children: Design and Evaluation of a ​Children’s Tutorial Authoring Tool for Digital Art. In Proceedings of the 48th Graphics Interface Conference ​(GI ’22). Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society. (Best Paper Award)

Ananta Chowdhury. Tutorials for Children by Children: Design and Evaluation of a Child-Centric Tutorial Aut​horing Tool. MSc Thesis (2020). University of M​anitoba, Canada.

Chowdhury, A., Rahman, J.S., & Hawlader, M.S. (2016). Well-connectedness - a novel measure for improving ​protein complex detection from PPI network. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in ​Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB’16), 1-6.

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Ananta Chowdhury


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